Francesco Invernici

Information Technology PhD Candidate
DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Research areas:

Databases, Knowledge Management, NLP

  • I will speak at SFSCON23

    I am proud to announce that tomorrow, 2023-11-10, at 14:15 I will speak at SFSCON23 (NOI Techpark, Bolzano) about CORToViz, the CORD-19 Topic Visualizer, which is the first prototype of the TETYS project of the last post.

  • Our TETYS project is funded by NGI Search!

    Topics Evolution That You See (TETYS) has been selected for funding (150K Euros) in the Next Generation Internet Search 2nd Call 2023. The Next Generation Internet is a European Commission initiative (with funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 101069813).

  • VLDB 23 Summer School

    Another week, another summer school! I joined the Very Large DataBases 23 Summer School in Cluj, Transilvania, Romania.

  • DeepLearn & BigDat 23 Summer School

    Last week I participated to the DeepLearn and BigDat 23 Summer School in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

  • Science, technology, society and Wikipedia

    I partecipated to an intensive PhD-level course for scientific and technical writing on Wikipedia at Politecnico di Milano. This is the article on durability, the ACID property, which I adopted and expanded, I hope you like it!

  • Welcome, visitor!

    Hello and welcome to my personal web page!